Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let Everything That Has Breathe Praise the Lord!

Well, it has been awhile...summer has come, then gone for a few days and is back again with temps in the 3 digits in Texas. That's ok, we will see what next week is like. The weather man says, "cooler." We have become so used to the heat that when it was in the 80s last week we took our tiny, little plastic pool down and stored it in the closet because we thought it was too cool.

That incident brought out the discussion of how we used to swim out to the 3rd and 4th sandbars in Lake Michigan as kids. We were blue and couldn't feel the cold. But what an accomplishment to get out that far and then be able to touch the ripples of the sandbar with our toes. The water was clean and clear and the sky was bright blue like one of those fat balloons you blow up. Those were the days we went down to the lake and our parents, at home, knew where we were and had confidence we wouldn't do what we weren't supposed to do. We didn't do what we weren't supposed to do. I could hear my dad whistle to come home and boy I had better get home quick! Never thought to do anything else. I am thankful for my childhood and the love I had from parents.

Yes, Let everything that has breathe Praise the Lord for what was, what is, and what is to come. Life doesn't always hand you a bowlful of cherries (or chocolate ice cream in my case) but I never have to doubt that my Father is right there with me each step of the way. Praise the Lord.

In the heat of the summer I worked on perfecting my bags made from plastic grocery bags. I continue to really enjoy making them. I have a couple of orders for Christmas - so if you would like any for gifts, now is a good time to let me know.

I have worked out the sizes and pricing as follows. I think it works good this way and have narrowed it to six different bags at this time - BUT I am always open to suggestions.

- Small/round - 8" diameter x 9" high - $15
- Medium/round - 9" diameter x 10" high - $25
- Large/round - 10.5" diameter x 14" high - $35

- Small/square - 8"wide x 10" high - $15
- Medium/square - 10' wide x 12" high - $25
- Large/square - 12' wide x 15" high - $35

The bags are available in a variety of colors, browns, white/blue, white/red, speckled with different colors. If you have an idea just ask and I will see if I can work it out. Each bag comes with one flower on it - but you don't have to have that if you don't want it. (no price reduction though)

I just finished a medium/square bag in warm browns and creams. I call it my "Latte" bag. It is pictured here. It is really fun - but this is only the second one I have made because there aren't many cream bags. So I guess this one is special. :) It is one of my favorites as well as the "sprinkle" ones with all colors in a white background.

Each bag is unique as the strips are all cut by hand and crocheted by hand. There is lots of texture in each bag because of how the strips are put together.

If interested contact me by email. deknits@yahoo.com I can easily mail them to you.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Hot Outside!

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22

What a promise that verse gives us and when you see that is was written so early in the history of the Bible...I just find that fascinating! AND encouraging. God cares for the world and keeps it in order. How much more does He love me, created in HIS image? He has been caring for the world since creation and knew ME then too. God said to Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."

We have had a lot of HEAT in Texas in the past weeks. It is definitely summer! I have had fun staying indoors in the AC  working on school with my daughter, other projects AND bags. You see here the inventory I have at home - so if you are interested send me an email at deknits@yahoo.com. I can also take your order for any specifics that you might like - we can give it a try :) Both the messenger bag and the center one below are red and white - I am calling them peppermint. The white and blue one on the far left is the largest I currently make. ($35) It is a GREAT beach bag and the sand washes right off with your hose. The others in this picture are all the medium square at $20. 

One that has turned out really cute is the small square bag (left). I have a friend who's husband says that everything she has has to be either cute or fun. This bag is both and only $15 :). The messenger bag,  below left, is also a new style - $25. My daughter, Abby, helped me to design it.

The bags to the right are all round a large brown and a large white - $30. There is a medium peppermint - $15 and a small white and blue - $10.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Week - What a Blessing!

I just came in from eating my lunch out on the back patio. Oh, I love the Texas sunshine! A new week and how is God going to use me and how I am going to use it for God? I have a verse I would like to share that a friend sent to my husband when he mentioned this blog last week. Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." I already had that verse all marked up with an orange marker :). As believers we have no choice, no desire to do anything but what this verse calls us to do. The lines are not so blurry today as they might have been years ago. It is much easier to determine what is right and what is wrong. So be transformed, be "repurposed" for God and spread that to others. You will be a blessing to someone this week!

Last week after I started this blog - hoping that some of my market bags would sell, I prayed asking God how I could help to support a friend who is going on a mission trip with her family. Funds are tight as they are with most everyone these days, but I thought, "OK, the next 2 bags that sell will go to support this family." That afternoon I received orders for THREE bags :). Now isn't God good?

My family smiles at me because I get all excited over "new" bags that people bring me to crochet into market bags. They have adapted well to my new projects. On our way to church yesterday all the doors in our neighborhood had purple bags on them for collecting clothes, etc for a local mission. "Hey, honey, look at all those purple bags!" I could just hear the excitement in his voice. :)

I am adding a couple of pictures of bags that I have completed this week. One of my favorites is the medium size of the square one. It is a really nice size and a fun look. You can see the size difference between the large and medium square bags in the photo. They are both very nice sized bags with square, flat bottoms. Large - $30, Medium - $15, plus shipping.You can always contact me at deknits@yahoo.com if you have questions or would like to order one. Each bag has its own individual characteristics because of the different bags.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ok, so this is my first attempt at blogging. It started because I wanted a way to share my "repurposed" plastic grocery bags. I was looking for a bit of an income to help pay my daughter's homeschool curriculum costs and it has led to this.

I enlisted my family's help in finding a name/title to fit me the best. So...I do use fabric for purses that is repurposed, I am a fervent recycler of anything and right now especially of used plastic grocery bags. 

But as we were thinking...I AM REPURPOSED IN CHRIST. I am not the same. I am a new creature made and perfected through Jesus. Hebrews 10:14 tells me, "For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified."

So here you have the Repurposed Woman. Certainly not a woman who has everything together, but through the help of the Lord, I am growing. I look forward to others' input as I share my life growing in the Lord, recycling and creating bags and other things by using repurposed fabrics and bags and who knows what else may come across my path.

I think as a follower of Christ I have a responsibility to care for the earth He has given us. I strive not to be wasteful and to be a good steward of all that has been given me. Perhaps you have ways to live our lives better, using and not wasting. 

 Here are some of the market type bags that I have made from recycled plastic grocery bags. They are samples of what I make. I do sell them so let me know if anyone is interested.