Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Week - What a Blessing!

I just came in from eating my lunch out on the back patio. Oh, I love the Texas sunshine! A new week and how is God going to use me and how I am going to use it for God? I have a verse I would like to share that a friend sent to my husband when he mentioned this blog last week. Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." I already had that verse all marked up with an orange marker :). As believers we have no choice, no desire to do anything but what this verse calls us to do. The lines are not so blurry today as they might have been years ago. It is much easier to determine what is right and what is wrong. So be transformed, be "repurposed" for God and spread that to others. You will be a blessing to someone this week!

Last week after I started this blog - hoping that some of my market bags would sell, I prayed asking God how I could help to support a friend who is going on a mission trip with her family. Funds are tight as they are with most everyone these days, but I thought, "OK, the next 2 bags that sell will go to support this family." That afternoon I received orders for THREE bags :). Now isn't God good?

My family smiles at me because I get all excited over "new" bags that people bring me to crochet into market bags. They have adapted well to my new projects. On our way to church yesterday all the doors in our neighborhood had purple bags on them for collecting clothes, etc for a local mission. "Hey, honey, look at all those purple bags!" I could just hear the excitement in his voice. :)

I am adding a couple of pictures of bags that I have completed this week. One of my favorites is the medium size of the square one. It is a really nice size and a fun look. You can see the size difference between the large and medium square bags in the photo. They are both very nice sized bags with square, flat bottoms. Large - $30, Medium - $15, plus shipping.You can always contact me at if you have questions or would like to order one. Each bag has its own individual characteristics because of the different bags.


  1. Hey mom I love what you are doing it is totally awesome! I also love that verse it is a daily choice we make to not be like this world we live in. Love ya-Leah

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Leah. That really means alot to me. You are so right. It is a daily choice! Love you, too, honey!

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for doing this for us! It's so neat to see how God works -- love it, just love it. Love Him! When I get around to writing a post, I'll link to yours! Love you and thank you!
